Nantsune Launches "Industry First" Virtual Showroom

Nantsune Launches "Industry First" Virtual Showroom

Nantsune, like other food equipment industry players, has been pushed by the pandemic to accelerate its transition to digital exhibitions, and has now announced the launch of an “exhibition-feel” virtual showroom.

Nantsune’s virtual showroom is unique because it is not just the rename of a newly designed webpage, but it is a brand-new platform to provide users with similar exhibition experience online as most of the products featured on it are presented digitally with videos, high-resolution 3D images, and app-free AR displays.

1. Virtual Showroom banner
Bird's eye view of the overall virtual showroom
2. Bird's eye view of the overall virtual showroom

3. 360 degree 3D model browsing / App-free AR QR code of the product
